Absolutely No Spam Policy

BMessages does not send unsolicited emails. Bmessages partners and clients may not use the BMessages system to send unsolicited emails (SPAM) for any purpose. An email will be considered spam if the list member has not specifically granted permission for the list owner to send them email. If the email list is derived from harvesting, purchase (even with the original list owner's permission), or any other means other than direct subscription, any email sent to the list, with the exception of permission passed lists, will be considered unsolicited (SPAM).

BMessages will investigate all complaints of unsolicited email. BMessages reserves the right to suspend or cancel your campaigns or other related services for any email we determine to be unsolicited. It is the list owner's responsibility to keep documentation of all opt-in email subscriptions as proof of request.

If you are a list member and feel that you have received unsolicited email, please complete our complaint form.

Double Opt-In Policy

BMessages requires a double opt-in subscription method for all new list members. A new member shall not receive email from the list until the member receives and replies to a single subscription request from the requested member address. The original subscription request may not contain advertising or information other than the subscription request and list owner contact information. If you wish to receive mailings from us in the areas of your interest please optin.

Opt-Out Policy

All email messages must contain unsubscribe instructions in the email headers and/or the body or footer of the email message itself. Any member who requests to be removed manually from the list must be removed within 10 business days of the removal request. If you received messages from us in error, please opt out

List Management

Our List Management team is dedicated to providing website owners with a significant income derived from email list or direct mail list rentals from their in-house subscriber base.

Any email or mail information added to a list server by BMessages remains the property of the list owner. Any administrative changes to the list or list membership will only be made with written permission from the list owner or list administrator.

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Contact Us

Mailing Address

11357 Nuckols Rd, Ste 111

Glen Allen, VA 23059

800.216.4227 Main

800.361.1785 Fax

Email: [email protected]

Data Center

11357 Nuckols Rd, Ste 111

Glen Allen, VA 23059

703.544.0156 Main

703.544.0157 Fax

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